Karen Campayo's brother Ricky joined for his second ride with us. Thanks to Sebastian for the loaner of Orange and Kudos to Rickey for banging out that ride on a hard tail with elastomer fork. Actually Ricky's only stumble was during the ride down when he diverted us to Wawa to pickup...some...err...lip gloss. Needless to say he took some verbal abuse for this but at least didn't try to cover it up as a coffee or gatorade purchase, and hopefully Mike can forward this to Ricky so we can't be accused of further abusing him behind his back.
Tubby joined us as well and absolutely crushed some of those mother hills that had the rest of us stymied (we walked more than one).
The three hour ride did include a pathetic attempt at fixing a pinch flat. Three tubes, two patches, and about 45 minutes later we were back on the bikes having weathered a fair amount of abuse from passing bikers and hikers including a generous offer of a "tuneup" (we can elaborate on the "tuneup" comment later, but not in this email).
In summary a great physical ride with loads of laughs as always.
With kids returning back to school, I wanted to poll the group to see if we should adjust the weekeday ride schedule. I know the current ride times don't work for some but I am pretty flexible so let me know what adjustments might work better for you. We'll try to keep at least one morning ride until temperatures and daylight become an issue. This week will still be the standard summer schedule:
- Tuesday morning 6:30am
- Thursday evening 7:30pm
"RIDE HARD, live easy"
Relive our (mis)adventures at mo7s.blogspot.com