Six of us ripped up White Clay this morning - from the park office to the half pipe and back in under two hours. And that's with quite a few protracted stops as a couple of us geriatrics were suffering off the back. Jim and Neil (new guys) showed us some new trails, including the tunnel and the Goat Trail. Some pretty nifty bikes in our group as well - a SuperFly, brand new Niner SIR, and a Lynskey Helix with a Hammer Schmidt crankset making it a "dingle-speed." I thought my Rig was a light bike until I heft a couple of these bikes. Now I know I am riding a tank.
After lunch I went out with the family for our weekly training ride (gearing up for next month's Europe trip). We entered the park and with about 25' of pavement to go before we would have hit the glorious (and soft) dirt trail, Sara did her first official endo. There are few things that will make your heart sink as quickly as hearing your 13-year old kid hit the pavement at 15mph. Luckily there was no permanent damage and within 20 minutes we were back home recapping the mishap and immortalizing the gore (see photographic damage assessment).
She doesn't want to hear it now, but this is the classic case of "climb back on that horse" because in less than five weeks we are heading to France for a week of biking. Are cobblestones softer than asphalt?
"Pain is Temporary, Glory is Forever"
-- unknown
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