Steve strong armed his sister Christine into assuming the running duties for him (brilliant move) and he kindly offered to take her to Dunkin Donuts in appreciation (consensus was that maybe Le Bec Fin or equivalent would be more appropriate given the performance she turned in). Jim Taylor and his buddy Cliff had to leave before the awards ceremony but both turned in podium finishes in their respective classes (guys, I have your medals). Cliff also wins the "travelled farthest" prize coming all the way in from Colorado (I guess there is no good mountain biking in Colorado). Riley even broke every rule in the book when he brought his ride into MRDBS the day before the race. Fairly amazing that the bike survived the race with no mechanicals, maybe a first for an 11th hour MRDBS project.
The bike course was wicked fast with plenty of passing lanes (yes, we did a considerable amount of passing), very few real climbs, and some rockin' downhills. The weather was perfect - warm and slightly overcast with occasional sun and no rain until the drive home. What a great way to start out the season.
Weather looks perfect for this week, Thursday is a Chelsey's ride. It should be interesting to see what surprises are in store for the return trip on the new trail while we are carrying the "Chelsy's handicap" (this will be our first):
- Tuesday 8:30pm depart Lower
- Thursday 8:30pm depart Upper (Chelsy's)
It is almost time to flip one of the weekday rides to a morning ride. I am thinking Tuesdays at 6:15am for the following reasons:
- Keeps Thursday a night ride (I don't think we're ready for a Chelsy's morning ride)
- No conflict with Tuesday night Brickside
- Some guys have early starts at work. Set the alarm for 6:00 and be in the saddle at 6:15 (setting alarm for "five-something am" just sounds nuts).
If you are interested in morning rides and have other thoughts on day or time please let me know. I did a morning ride a couple of weeks ago and it was absolutely beautiful out there - I highly recommend making the effort, you will not regret it.
That's all for now,
"I brought my birdbook"
-- Steve McLaughlin (prerace banter explaining how serious he was about the race)
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