I generally race a couple of times a year. I did have one podium experience a few years back, but it seems my only remote shot at the podium comes every 5 years when I tick over into a new age bracket. For example, next year I hit the big five-oh and so am looking forward to kicking some serious AARP butt in 2011.
Digression: I entered by first race when I was 45 years old. I was pumped because I figured the geezers in the "45 and over" class would be pushovers for a youngster like me. Well it turned out that a podium finish in the "35-44" class was barely mid-pack in the "45 and over" class. Apparently old guys who are still racing at this advanced age are pretty tough competitors.
But anyway I just race just for the fun of the run-up to event day, the buzz of the race day activities, and the chance to maybe beat a friend across the finish line. And the spring Hibernia Duathlon is the perfect event because it's low key, it's local, and best of all my 13 year old daughter is the perfect partner to take on the running leg.
Digression: I would rather ram a rusty icepick up my nose than run 5 miles on foot - which is a problem because I have a brother-in-law who is twisting my arm to do a triathlon this summer. But that would be another tangent so I will table it for now.
So anyway, this morning over breakfast I teed-up the duathlon relay idea with my daughter. And she totally bit. Big time. So now we're committed, the run-up has begun, and my riding schedule has taken on a new sense of urgency.