Stan's Miracle Sealant |
I have four recipes I would like to discuss with you.
Recipe #1 is for
STAN'S Tire Sealant. My El Mariachi is rolling tubeless on Stans ARCH rims and Continental X-King tires. The only thing between a thorn and a flat tire is a couple tablespoons of Stan's sloshing around inside the tire. So imagine my surprise when I found this 1/4" gash in the rear tire
which is still holding air even after a one hour trail ride at Marsh Creek
. Whatever did that (probably a shard of glass) would have certainly sliced a tube and flatted instantly. What the heck did Stan put in that stuff? And do I try to repair from the inside or do I just keep riding it?
Recipe #2 is for vegan pumpkin oatmeal
COOKIES (which by the way go great with beer). Once again, Jesse's considerable biking and baking skills combine to make the Friday Happy Hour Ride even happier. Maybe she'll post the recipe on
her bog.
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Recipe #3 is the one for the
FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR RIDE. There are a lot of intangibles in this recipe, but the basic ingredients this week were:
- A Friday afternoon with the whole weekend in front of us
- Eleven mountain bikers with a passion for fast singletrack and cold beers
- A few miles of fast and firm singletrack (no rain in weeks)
- Assortment of thematic microbrews including New Belgium's Shift Ale and Fat Tire Ale
- An occasional civilian through-rider to stir up the crowd
- Fresh homemade pumpkin oatmeal cookies
- Did I mention beer?
Recipe #4 is for DISASTER. Almost. There are two versions of this recipe, one of which was perfected by Mark on the ride back:
- Recipe for disaster #1 is drink one beer at The Overlook. On the way back (while riding some twitchy hillside singletrack), reach down with right hand to tighten ratchet on right shoe. This is survivable in 5 out of 10 attempts.
- Recipe for disaster #2 is drink two beers at The Overlook.
On the way back (while riding some twitchy hillside singletrack), reach down with right hand through the frame to tighten ratchet on left shoe. This is survivable in 2 out of 10 attempts.
Mark tried the 2nd version and arrived at the boat launch a little bloody but still smiling...and we all agreed that this recipe tastes great and is much more memorable than the more pedestrian (literally) "happy-hour-on-the-back-deck" variety.
Already looking forward to next week.
“Like dogs, bicycles are social catalysts that attract a superior category of people”
-- Chip Brown