Bikes are being pulled out of sheds, firewood is being collected, tires are being patched, lithium ion batteries are being charged, beer is being bought, Kirk's new neighbors have been warned, and excitement is building for tomorrow night's big event. One rider relayed to me that he is "having trouble sleeping" due to the anticipation (and some nerves relating to "the contest" - he has a reputation to protect).
We have fourteen "solids" who are locked and loaded for bear: JA, DC, CD, SF, BG, MH, RI, SM, DM, KO, TP, MR, AS, RV, and MY. We also have a handful of "bubble boys" who are still working out the details: MB, JC, CD2. And then there is always the chance of s stray biker or two turning up. So we are on track to set a record for 2009.
And as if that wasn't enough, the forecast is perfect - 30 degrees and dry at 7:00pm...and if we can muscle through to 3:00am we might even be treated to a snow shower!
But I am sorry to say that the news is not all good.
It is rumored that a certain duo who operate in and around The Seasons have been billing themselves in public circles as "mountain bikers." I would remind said duo that you have to earn those stripes. Last time I checked the policy manual, it said that a strong showing at this annual event gets you into stripes for a while - "strong showing" of course includes actually riding the bike (the drinking part comes naturally - you have those stripes permanently tattooed).
9:00pm curfew tonight and don't forget your Wheaties tomorrow.
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