Friday, December 22, 2006
Defiled Again
* TMI about Dean's under garments
* Interest in hiring "mountain s_______s" for our next post ride event.
* Learned we are "not young" but rather we are "old guys" according certain local teenagers who should know
* A scarey peek into Miller's world during winter break at Target
The ride home was interesting to say the least. Thanks Kirk for setting this up.
I am out for the happy hour ride due to haircut appointment that slipped (what was left of) my mind last nite.
Remember this SUNDAY's ride starts an hour EARLY: 10am - 12noon. Departing from Upper.
Also Damian is trying to pull together photos/videos of the house fire. He has asked if I could help pull these together. If you have pix or know of someone else who does could you please let me know? Also if you would pass the word that I am trying to pull these together for Damian that would be appreciated as well.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Room for Improvement

“Moving time” was less than 3.5 hours (not bad) but elapsed time was 5.5 hours suggesting 2 idle hours (if you count puking up your lungs as “idle” time). The good news is that an analysis of the idle time suggests opportunity for big improvements with relatively little effort:
- Three tire changes (estimate total of 1 hour since the first tire change involved expedition back to the car in search of 15mm wrench).
- Ahern search party (estimate 15min)
- Unplanned detour to Palisades Road (added about 5 miles and let’s say 30min to the trek, I take responsibility for this navigational breakdown)
- About a dozen 5min rest stops at the top of the alleged “rolling hills”
So with quick release on Matt’s ride (or a 15mm wrench in his xmas stocking) and a compass for Jim (and I) we would be at less than 4 hours elapsed! More conditioning and less time at the buffet table could yield even more improvement.
The 3.5 hour moving time became interesting to me yesterday evening when, speaking with Rob, he mentioned Blue Marsh as a roughly 3 hour ride (I didn’t ask if he meant the 20mi or 30mi loop because I was afraid he would say the 30mi loop). Now whether a bunch of long-in-the-tooth-weekend-warriors could cut yesterday’s elapsed time in half is debatable, but I thought the analysis might be encouraging.
Steve, Steve, Tim, and Mike – hope you were good this year so Santa will bring you a ride and you can experience this insanity first hand! So far it is looking like a year round sport although we are still testing the sub-30 degree arena to determine if practical to ride without losing toes to frostbite. Ask Santa to include some wool socks.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Lights Out
Even better ride last night with 6 including guest appearance by some guy named Kirk who clearly had something to prove and rode like a madman. Sebastian wrote a new chapter in our book of memorable adventures by riding at night without a light (very impressive), and some trails we rarely (never) try at night took out a number of riders myself included. Having a large turnout seems to take things up a notch or two...
I trust KO and DM made it back OK as we entered Lyndenwood at a very high rate of speed and found we somehow lost 2 riders.
Back on tonight at 8:30pm. Jim will be picking up Blue Flash at LL (assuming he can find a light) but let’s depart from UL to add some variety and so we can finish with a sprint on the flats by the river.
Jim would it be possible for you to be at my place 8:20pm so we can then push to UL to join up with the rest?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Treacherous Trestle

Lots of logs on this ride, and correspondingly large number of spills left more bruises and blood than usual but as Rob said, "pain is temporary, and glory is forever."
Monday, October 23, 2006
2 for 4
Monday, October 16, 2006
Pep Talk (Pick One)
- Inspiration – Any day may be your last, and this is the only part of that day that you own. Once the world awakens, you are owned. Rather that pissing this away laying in bed watching Sports Center while your wife and kids are sleeping anyway, break from the pack and start the day with something fulfilling and just a little challenging – an example you would like to set for your daughters: He did what was good but not easy, “he seized the day!” (at least on Thursdays).
- Shame – Are you soft from too much time in the spa? Aren’t you the one who dusted the competition in the fall classic? The sailor with an ASA logbook to prove it? The paintball warrior who “went in with both barrels blazing” to slay the opponent? The man who rides without a suspension and with barely a light? Aren’t you the man who saved the Lyndenwood women and children by slaying an angry rabid woodchuck with a shovel? The man who canoed the Delaware at 3am (drunk) looking to pick a fight with a black bear? The man to plunged into Beltzville Lake in October (drunk again)?
- Practicality – Switch to standard time in 2 weeks, so it will be cold but not dark. This is the cheapest exercise program ever – saves you $35 a month. That’s more than $1 per day! Plus you will live longer so you can save $1 per day far longer…
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Spandex Details
* harris took a full speed (and I mean FULL speed) run at the railroad ties on the struble. 20 feet in before he knew what happened. Sounded pretty impressive. Full suspension was a big plus.
* calvaresi taking turn from lyndell into kaiser, at HIGH speed, wet road... You might guess the rest. Somehow he pulled out of it, but Matt and I were sure we were on our way to the ER.
* finally (I will spare the details) calvaresi found new use for spandex. That's all I have to say on that one.
Happy Trails
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Jim is Boozing Again
As for the non-stop ride the no-dab was a nice footnote but in the end the time diff was 3 minutes - well within the margin of error considering the damage some did the night before.
Remember the immortal words of our mentor who said:
* Pain is temporary
* Glory is forever
* That bike chick sort of digs you but is not loking for a beginner
I am disappointed to hear you are boozing again...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Good Lighting
See y’all tonight. 60 degrees, not too chilly yet.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
A Month of Rides

Attached is the latest aerial map with blue tracks showing the last month of rides (red was yesterday’s track).
I added Rob to the email chain. Rob - you said something yesterday about a trail map you have. It would be interesting to see that map or point out areas we may not have explored yet.