Trails are in excellent condition and will hopefully hold out with spotty rain forecasted for this week. Lots going on this week with rides and weather, so put down your coffee and pay attention:
- Tuesday night 8:30pm LL - no rain until late (10pm) so trails should be in outstanding condition.
- Thursday night 8:30 UL - this is a scheduled Chelsy's ride. Rain possible so we will monitor and consider rescheduling if it looks like a washout. Stay tuned.
- Sunday morning (roadie) - To get things rolling I'll suggest an 8am departure to Fair Hill. Please weigh in if you have other thoughts on departure time or destination, this is not a dictatorship although it may sound like one at times.
Please reply if you will be riding on Sunday so I can coordinate xport. If so, please also indicate if you can drive and if so your cargo capacity.
"Get a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live."
– Mark Twain
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