This picture is what you do not want to see on the Sunday before the bike race.
The picture was taken in my garage yesterday (the Sunday before the bike race).
It is what happens when you ignore that cardinal rule of race preparation to NOT DORK AROUND WITH YOUR BIKE before a race. "Dialing in" type of stuff is (borderline) ok, but what you see here is definitely not. This was an aborted attempt to swap forks to create a more nimble full suspension bike for next week. You can imagine how thrilled I was with myself when halfway through the nightmare project, I realized I was going to have to abort and reassemble the bikes in their original configuration. That's about all I have to say on this particular debacle, except to remind you (and me) that when that little voice whispers that "I don't think this is a very good idea," you should listen to it.
I did manage to turn in a race lap yesterday with a couple of other riders. We were only able to fit in one lap due to the early nightfall but were encouraged by the result. Race day will tell.
The coming week is all about one more hard ride, a milk run late in the week, and lots of clean living (maybe put that off until Wed or Thr).
"Those who love you are watching, and they expect greatness"
Ahern and I turned one lap in 66min (I would like to, but cannot, lie). Not sure what would happen with the 2nd lap, we felt pretty good about it - we will find out soon enough.
ReplyDeleteDid you find that extra up & down he added between the 1st descent to the struble and the blue trail? Personally I didn't think the course needed it - it sure makes that 2nd half a mother...
Kirk turned in a pretty good lap time for someone who has been off the bike for a year. Watch out for that guy.
Miller was out there too, but sidelined by mechanical. 26" is not his lucky number...
Tough course but plan is to gut out 2 laps. With the 15 year old bike and one ride since Christmas I cranked out a 74 minute lap with 4 walks which was proceeded by scotch drinking the night before and wine after the ride - will keep this as my regime leading up to race (scotch, ride, wine).
ReplyDeleteHaving completed one lap I feel my goal of finishing the race just may be within reach. Would like to ride it a couple of times but have no clue as to the course.
Thanks to Jim and Chris for their patience. Passed Miller on way home, both rider and equipment were damaged goods. Hope for a quick turnaround.
74 minutes is excellent. Switch to wine first and scotch last to shave off 5 minutes. Course - all you really need to know is that if you are not going down hill then you are going up hill. Aside from that the only rule is to not get passed by any girls (although they do make good rabbits). Oh and don't take your bike apart until AFTER the race.