First official night ride of the season was tonight. It was great, chasing bats down the trails and exploring some corners of the park we haven't seen in a while. The night was capped off at the boat landing by a visit from the ranger who asked us "if we knew that the park was closed." After a pregnant pause, one of our more brilliant riders tried to diffuse the situation with a little friendly conversation and asked for clarification "you mean, for bikes?" The ranger did not take this in the spirit in which it was intended and the whole thing took a decidedly unpleasant turn, but we were able to disengage without incident. Bottom line is that it's probably good to avoid loitering at the boat landing during night rides.
On another front, we could use some wrenching advice. We have a bike with brake problems - brakes squealing like Lindsay Lohan at a Hollywood coke party (been dying to use that one). Pads have been replaced, rotor cleaned, but still squealing. Anyone with advice on this front please reply to this address - it is getting really old and the wildlife is complaining.
Weather looks great for the next few days:
- A happy hour ride is in the cards for tomorrow, reply all if interested and include any time preferences.
- Sunday ride is on for 9:00am departing from Upper Lyndenwood.
"If the world were a logical place, men would ride side saddle"
-Rita Mae Brown
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