Since the riding conditions are crap (black ice is conspiring to spoil our Friday Chelsy's run, stay tuned) and we're not doing any biking, I figured I would fill the void by talking about biking, or at least something remotely related to biking. If you are bored by this drivel then please skip to the end for a ride update.
“We may be old but at least we’re mo7s.”

You may recognize that double entendre as the tagline from the
mo7s blog. No doubt you are wondering what the heck "mo7s" is anyway? Well, mo7s is many things to many people.
M07s (em-zero-seven-ess) is of course a resin-based brake pad material used in some Shimano and Avid brake pads. Google it if you don’t believe me. The biking association however is a lucky coincidence, the blog is not named after a brake pad.

Mo7s (em-oh-seven-ess) is also shorthand for the British
techno-rave band “Moving Over 7 Seas.” But ecstasy has not
really caught on with our crowd so no, the blog is not named after a British techno-rave band.
Our mo7s is somewhat elusive. It is generally found on twisty
country roads in 1st world English speaking countries. Mo7s can be found in various shades of white or grey, depending on age. Mo7s is both wide and tall (can be seen in satellite photographs) but is so thin you could ride your bike right over one and not even know it. In fact we rode, drove, and walked over our mo7s hundreds of times and never even knew it was mo7s.

Then one night, in a moment of sublime insight Sebastian saw
through the deception and exposed our mo7s for what it really was (at the time it was camouflaged as a warning to motorists). We were so impressed with the clever deception that we adopted that mo7s as our own.
Our mo7s is prominently featured in this arial view. I hope that sets the record straight, once and for all.
Now let's get back to riding:
- Friday night Chelsy's is questionable (black ice) but if we go we'll shoot for an early departure, around 7:30. Stay tuned, we'll make the decision by mid-day tomorrow.
- Sunday 9AM ride will depend on trail conditions, we will make it a game-time decision so let me know if interested and then stay by your email early Sunday.
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